Transmission of culture, preparation for specialised roles in life and influencing changes in cultural heritage, being the functions of education, it cannot be reduced merely to a means of career boost and financial enhancement. Education has to be understood as an empowerment of generations through proper transmission of cultural ethos, initiating a process of social change and influencing personal enhancement toward progress and development. It is a life formation for progress, prosperity and wholeness. In this process, self-advantages, selfish motives and corrupt thinking have to stay out of the way, and wisdom, knowledge and progressive thinking should take upper hand and lead the way.
Empowering and educating the young through schools and colleges depend greatly upon how effectively curriculum transaction is planned, how innovatively it is transacted in the classrooms through various means and what teachers do to bring about better participation and greater learning. So to say, the selection of curriculum materials and the preparation of learning experiences should be based on the specific needs and aspirations of students, their age and their readiness for learning, with the ultimate aim of educating them in the best way possible within a specified span of time. Subsequently, the inception of any educational institution has to be inspired by the thought of equipping the young with essential knowledge, skills, attitudes and values within a given span of time.
The above-mentioned understanding of education is what SFS school believes in and the goals we set to achieve purely depend on it. I thank former principals, managers, vice-principals and sisters, who assimilated this understanding of education and committed themselves totally towards the accomplishment of goals emerging from it. I thank all the teachers, students, parents and well-wishers for sharing this vision of ours and whole-heartedly supporting it. The strength of our institution is a committed bunch of teaching and non-teaching staff along with benevolent parents and well-wishers who ardently support and cooperate with us. Hats off to you all...